Consultatis Cabinet de Conseils en Management

Our tools

We have developed interactive tools which allow participants to understand and challenge their work experience through situational exercises and practical theoretical modules :

The Rhythm Pattern

  • see description below (*)
  • an example
  • an operational change management model
  • a pedagogical group dynamics model

Musical conferences with top level artists

  • performance: on stage and in business
  • culture and innovation

The following books are a source of inspiration to our approach

  • The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook. Peter Senge, 1994
  • The Knowledge-Creating Company. Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi, 1995
  • The Dance of Change. The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations, Peter Senge et al, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, 1999

(*) Description of the Rhythm Pattern

This tool aims at

  • Creating a team dynamics
  • Developing creativity
  • Preparing for structural changes (new organisation, culture change, merger/acquisition…)
  • Enhance group communication

The Rhythm Pattern addresses groups of 15 to 50 people, and lasts between 2.30 hours to half a day, with the following phases

  • Participants create a rhythm with percussion instruments
  • Support teams (made of participants) coach the rhythm teams
  • Observers (made of participants) give a feedback to all
  • Participants share their experience, following the group they belong to (rhythm or support)
  • Participants identify fields of improvement in team work and management
  • Each participant writes a personal action plan

Video Rhythm Pattern:






Lydie Solomon

Lydie Solomon